[Engineering] [Ops] Changes to SWAT deployment policies, effective Monday April 30th

Gergo Tisza gtisza at wikimedia.org
Sat Apr 28 10:06:33 UTC 2018

On Sat, Apr 28, 2018 at 2:19 AM, Tyler Cipriani <tcipriani at wikimedia.org>

> Looking at this info maybe 6 is the magic number?

Other options would be to have more windows (an EU morning SWAT maybe?),
and/or make it less of an expectation to have your patches deployed in the
window you scheduled them for (e.g. not starting deploying new patches
after :45; anything that overflows just gets pushed to next day).

Another thing that could be reconsidered for more even use of SWAT windows
is the requirement that the patch owner has to be present; we could just
request a test plan in the commit summary instead for low-risk patches.
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