[ComProj] Wikilove Buttons & Banners

Sandy Ordonez sordonez at wikimedia.org
Fri Sep 7 16:06:58 UTC 2007


Eventually these will be uploaded to commons. The only reason that we 
listed them here is because we are still in "planning phase" ie, testing 
out this concept with the community first, asking questions ie: 
licensing, parameters, etc.

Do you guys know if there is a way to transfer over these images? or 
would people have to directly upload them again to wikimedia commons 


Michael Reschke wrote:
> Please upload such banners to commons : - (
> e.g.:Then I could directly use them in the German Wikiversity and 
> wrote there a memo to the community...
> PS: Great work
> 2007/9/6, Sandy Ordonez <sordonez at wikimedia.org 
> <mailto:sordonez at wikimedia.org>>:
>     As most of you guys already know, we are asking the community to
>     design
>     buttons for the projects. The buttons will be placed on different
>     websites, blogs, etc....as a way for people to show their support
>     for us.
>     Some examples have been created, and it would be great if we could get
>     some more  :)
>     Please scroll to the bottom:
>     http://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Wiki_love_buttons
>     <http://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Wiki_love_buttons>
>     Thanks  :)
>     Sandy
>     --
>     Sandy Ordonez
>     Communications Manager
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>     E-Mail: sordonez at wikimedia.org <mailto:sordonez at wikimedia.org>
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Sandy Ordonez
Communications Manager
Wikimedia Foundation, Inc.
Phone: 727.231.0101
Fax: 727.258.0207S
E-Mail: sordonez at wikimedia.org

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