[ComProj] Wednesday, July 4.

Sean Whitton sean at silentflame.com
Tue Jul 3 13:35:06 UTC 2007

Aha! Yes, shall be there, usual time.


On 03/07/07, Cary Bass <cbass at wikimedia.org> wrote:
> Sean Whitton wrote:
> > 4:30 EST is 9:30 UTC therefore 10:30 BST.
> >
> > An hour too late, I'm afraid :(
> >
> > On 02/07/07, Sandy Ordonez <sordonez at wikimedia.org> wrote:
> >
> However, 4:30 EDT  (Eastern daylight time) is 8:30 UTC and therefore
> 9:30 BST, and the right time.
> Cary
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—Sean Whitton (seanw)

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