[Commons-l] Musing with professional photographers: further lessons learned

Gregory Maxwell gmaxwell at gmail.com
Wed Jan 23 19:00:41 UTC 2008

On Jan 23, 2008 1:43 PM, Rama Rama <ramaneko at gmail.com> wrote:
> The point is mainly that offering these labels might grant us more
> photographs. Hence, with a very little concession to the standard to which
> professional photographers are accustomed, we could replace lots of "fair
> use" pictures with Free images, and illustrate articles which lack images.
> But this clearly is far less funny than twisting words to expose suspicious
> language of a potentially anti-democratic nature, or than acertaining the
> purity of the ideology in which people contribute their images. It's not
> like we're making a project in the, you know, real word, is it ?

The overwhelming majority of most professional photographers works are
used without the sort of credit you are describing, so you're making a
false argument.
I think we should provide *great* credit, industry leading credit, but
that doesn't mean we need to litter the articles with it.

In theory we could also encourage people to contribute by setting up
an advertising box in the left side bar and give free space in the
rotation to everyone who contributes.... :)

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