[Commons-l] Getting our content out there (openstockphotography.org)

Stan Shebs stanshebs at earthlink.net
Fri Mar 16 18:31:58 UTC 2007

Brianna Laugher wrote:
> mostly I take this as a sign that Commons is suffering because of the
> limitations of the current MW implementation, which has no fancy
> gadgets for images and no easy handling of them. Goddamit, it is
> frustrating to have all this fantastic content and feel that no one
> knows about it because it's too hard to access. GRRRRRRRRR. This site
> should not be able to exist because WE should be able to do the fancy
> stuff.
> some of it at least.
I go back and forth on that - if we can't even agree on categories vs 
galleries vs something else, maybe it's just as well that it's not too 
visible! :-)
> anyone else find their photographs in a home beyond commons?
Yup, I've been asked for permission  (apparently people don't quite 
believe the GFDL) for use in various books, although I haven't actually 
*seen* any of these books yet... My favorite usage is by the WWF, where 
they used my caribou-and-pipeline photo (snapped out the window of a 
moving bus!)  to illustrate a news article about pipeline leakage,  


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