[Commons-l] Join us now and free the video

geni geniice at gmail.com
Fri Mar 9 17:45:55 UTC 2007

On 3/9/07, David Gerard <dgerard at gmail.com> wrote:
> Today's question: what the hell can we do to come up with something
> big content producers will feel able to release under an actually free
> licence? Something they can feel safe to relax control on? If we can
> get one, we can get more. What can we do to get that first one?

Going back to the original question could we not try a different point
along the chain.

For athletic events with lower profile than say the 100 meters might
it be possible to get the people selling the TV rights to change the
terms they sell under. Rather than selling the rights to
semi-exclusive use forever perhaps they could be persuaded to sell the
semi exclusive rights for 2 months after which the material has to be
realised under a free licence. It would allow them to raise the
profile of their sport while at the some time having a reduced impact
on TV company revenues and thus the amount they are prepared to pay
for the licence. Heh suggest the idea to the event sponsors. People
may be prepared to edit out ad breaks but few people are going to
consider editing out the adverts the athletes are wearing.


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