[Advocacy Advisors] Commissioner on copyright reform and FoP

Dimitar Parvanov Dimitrov dimitar.parvanov.dimitrov at gmail.com
Thu Jul 3 10:48:18 UTC 2014

Hi all,

Neelie Kores, outgoing Commissioner for the Digital Agenda held a speech at
a conference in Amsterdam yesterday where she spoke about the need of the
planned copyright reform. [1] Among other things, she said:

*When you can't sing happy birthday, or post a picture of the Atomium, how
is that fair or reasonable, how is that something you can explain to
ordinary citizens?*

Yes, it is an outgoing Commissioner and DG CONNECT is the not the lead DG
for copyright, but this is the first time the European Commission said
anything about Freedom of Panorama. I know for a fact that it was the
members of the Free Knowledge Advocacy Group EU and their constant talk to
anyone about this issue how the Atomium example showed up on the radars of
both DG CONNECT and DG MARKT. In this line of thought I just wanted to say:
Thank you and great job, everyone!

Let's make sure we keep FoP on the table. We actually have the great
examples and stories to tell.

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