[Advocacy Advisors] Unclear usage restrictions on US Government works

Stephen LaPorte slaporte at wikimedia.org
Tue Sep 24 17:25:16 UTC 2013

Public Knowledge has an interesting article about ambiguous usage
restrictions appearing on some US government photographs and video:

"The White House is not explicitly claiming copyright on these photos (the
license makes that clear), but this type of scary quasi-legal language gets
awful close to flirting with a bit of light copyfraud."


I know a number of Wikimedians are interested / activist in this area --
Jean-Frédéric had a great session on this general subject at Wikimania
2012. Do you know any other Wikimedians working on this? Does Commons have
any documentation or guidelines on the topic?

Stephen LaPorte
Legal Counsel
Wikimedia Foundation

*For legal reasons, I may only serve as an attorney for the Wikimedia
Foundation. This means I may not give legal advice to or serve as a lawyer
for community members, volunteers, or staff members in their personal
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