Hello folks, it's time for more alpha code around making imports suck less. The point of these tools, which augment the last ones published, is to allow folks to generate sql from a subset of page content, using the sql table dumps we provide and a downloaded (by one of these scripts or some other means) XML file of page content for import.
I wanted a way to take importDump.php out of the loop, if the user finds that the script is too slow, too picky, too whatever. So this is one of those ways.
The idea here is to get people thinking about how we can make small (or large) chunks of content more available to people. These are really meant to be demos of an idea, with the hope that others (you!) will find better ways to implement it, or even better ideas.
Even so, please play, test, report bugs, submit patches, write new tools, etc. See the code below: