On 02/03/16 22:05, D. Hansen wrote:
Last year I was provided very kindly with a list of all svg-files on commons, that is their then *real* http(s)-paths. (Either by John phoenixoverride@gmail.com or by Ariel T. Glenn aglenn@wikimedia.org aglenn@wikimedia.org.)
Could I get a current version of this dump, please? (With the real paths and really existing files.)
Back then the dump was
as far as I remember.
(Someone told me I could create such a dump myself with some wiki-tools. Is this really possible?)
Greetings John
You should be able to extract such list with a query such as: SELECT CONCAT('https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/', SUBSTRING(MD5(img_name), 1,1), '/', SUBSTRING(MD5(img_name), 1,2), '/', img_name) from image where img_media_type = 'DRAWING' AND img_major_mime='image' and img_minor_mime LIKE 'svg%';
which leads to 967065 images.
I've put a copy at http://tools.wmflabs.org/heritage/commonswiki_svg_list-2016-03-02.txt.xz for your convenience.