In my continued quest to Make Imports Suck Less (tm), I've written a little perl script to shovel data from a tab-delimited escaped file to a fifo in pieces while forking off mysql to LOAD DATA INFILE from the fifo for each chunk. It's only been tested on linux, specifically my laptop, but I did run it using current article content dumps and all the auxiliary tables for a wiki of a few hundred thousand articles, and it worked ok.
You can find it in the xmlfileutils directory of my branch of the git dumps repo:;a=blob;f=xmlfil...
You'll notice that all my tools are linux + mysql, and that's because that is what I use. If folks want similar tools for other platforms they'll have to write them, I don't have the expertise for that.
Ah also the docs on Meta about dumps have been reorganized and rewritten, not that they are either error-free or complete but they should be in much better shape now:
And lastly, the uncompressed en wp meta history dumps are now over 10T. Yay?
As always, feedback, edits, patches welcome.
P.S. Sorry Platonides but if you were going to rework a script of yours you were too slow ;-) (However if you have such a script with different/better features I'll still take it.)