Hi to all,
I have a problem and I need your help.
It's about Dump of Wikipedia. I'm working in a project which uses Wikipedia
Database to display articles offline.
I need your help in two points:
- - First, the problem about the database in Ubuntu is that in my
Country we have several interruptions of electricity and it's very
difficult for us to maintain a quite installation with one interruption of
electricity every hour. We use to start again the installation after purge
the some table in the data base each time.
- 7 The second problem is that we have not a good bandwish of
internet to download dump of image of Wikipedia because it's too slow.
After try to resolve these problems, our evolution is still very slow.
Please we have a friend in USA who back in few weeks. Please can we send
you two hard discs to you for help us to install a local copy of Wikipedia
in French and English with image in articles in mediawiki? Please this
solution is the best for our environment and situation in this time.
Thank's for your support and assistance to these dumps for developer and
for the idea to make information accessible for all and open.
Tank's (sorry for english)