I am trying to import the French wiki (full history xml) on a Ubuntu machine
with quad-core trendy CPU and 16 GB RAM. The import query is the following:
java -Xmn256M -Xms396M -Xmx512M -XX:+DisableExplicitGC -verbose:gc
-XX:NewSize=32m -XX:MaxNewSize=64m -XX:SurvivorRatio=6 -XX:+UseParallelGC
-XX:GCTimeRatio=9 -XX:AdaptiveSizeDecrementScaleFactor=1 -jar mwdumper.jar
--format=sql:1.5 frwiki-20090810-pages-meta-history.xml.bz2 | mysql -u wiki
-p frwikiLatest
I have disabled the autocommit for mysql, disabled foreign key checks and
unique checks. I have set the pool size, buffer log size, and the buffer
size to large values as recommended for mysql good performance.
After around 3 minutes of running the above command, I have got:
6 pages (0.083/sec), 1,000 revs (13.889/sec)
8 pages (0.038/sec), 2,000 revs (9.378/sec)
13 pages (0.041/sec), 3,000 revs (9.458/sec)
The source file is on its own physical disk and the mysql data folder is on
another physical disks. Both disks are very fast.
*Any suggestions on how to improve the speed?
another issue is that the InnoDB (page, revision, text) do not show the
number of the records although the size of the table is non-zero. I think
the might be related to disable keys query.
*Is that correct?