2011/1/14 Daniel ~ Leinad danny.leinad@gmail.com:
In PoznaĆ (Poland) we've just received a package (we are very happy :D), but after many problems:
- the address was wrong (only postal code was correct)
- the telephone number was wrong
- 2 times a tracking number has been changed - when we watched the old
numbers, there was still status "Initiated"
- accordance with the procedures (these are similar across the
European Union), the package was detained for customs, but customs office did not have my e-mail address, so they could not contact me (office requires filling in a declaration which is in the package and what is its value) - if I did not call the office, this package would be sent back to San Francisco after 5 days...
Good luck to all those who are awaiting shipment :-)
Yes.. And the package sent to WMPL was sent back due to customs problems, which in Poland are more tricky when the package is sent to organisation or company - no to the person.I don't know about other EU countries but it might be similar - starting from January 1st 2011 in order to receive package from customs a company or institution needs to have EORI number (http://ec.europa.eu/taxation_customs/dds/eorihome_en.htm) - in Poland it takes around 2 weeks to get it. In our package there was also missing a "letter of origin" without which it is impossible to go through customs. I think for future actions of this kind it will be better if one of EU chapters prints and sends promotional materials to other EU chapters...