As you may know, the Wikimedia teach team has started to upgrade
MediaWiki on some wikis. MediaWiki is the software that runs all
Wikimedia wikis.
The most visible change for Wikimedia users will be the deployment of
ResourceLoader [1].
ResourceLoader optimizes the use of JavaScript in MediaWiki, speeding up
its delivery by compressing it sometimes, and cutting down on the amount
of unused JavaScript that gets delivered to the browser in the first
The installation of ResourceLoader may cause compatibility issues with
existing JavaScript code.
Trevor Parscal and Roan Kattouw, the main developers of ResourceLoader,
will be available on IRC [2] on Monday, February 14th, at 18:00 (UTC)
[3], to answer questions and help fix issues related to ResourceLoader.
*If you maintain JavaScript code on your home wiki, please attend.*
Don't wait until your wiki's JavaScript is all broken.
Please spread this information as widely as possible; it's critical to
reach as many local JavaScript maintainers as possible.
Logs of the session will be published publicly.
[3] All timezones:
Guillaume Paumier
Product manager - Wikimedia Foundation
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