Greetings Wikimedians,
As per our planned engagement with the communities for WikiConference India 2023 and beyond, on the occasion of the 22nd birthday of Wikipedia, we are hosting the third Open Community Call on the 15th of January, 2023. This call will be a space to address your questions and concerns, take inputs from the communities, besides giving some conference updates.
Please add the following to your respective calendars and we look forward to seeing you on the call.
[WCI 2023] Open Community Call
Date: 15 January 2023
Time: 1800 - 1900 [6 pm to 7 pm] (IST)
Google Link:
Furthermore, we have a telegram group for the community members who are interested to be a part of WikiConference India 2023. Please feel free to share any thoughts, inputs, suggestions, or questions. Link to join the telegram group:
Alternatively, you can also leave us a message on the Conference talk page
Looking forward to connecting with you all.
Thank you!
On Behalf of,
WCI 2023 Organizing team.