If you are a Wikinews reporter in any language who has done original reporting any time in the past two years, we would like you to complete a survey at https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1kvLJYT8tKFmOoK-7mb8yWDc9yojT8b2nEElgwepCQhc... the costs of doing original reporting. Even if you have done original reporting and spent no money directly, we would like you to report this. This research is being done by people affiliated with The Wikinewsie Group ( http://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/The_Wikinewsie_Group ) to assess the level of current funding going into Wikinews original reporting, who is paying for it and what the outcomes for the money spent are. We hope to be able to use this information to better assist reporters in doing original reporting, finding funding through external grants to support it, and to better understand the inherent value in original news reporting.
To original reporters, thank you for taking the time to answer the survey. If you have question about the research, please get in touch with me and I will be happy to discuss it.
Sincerely, Laura Hale