Moz(e li neko da me podseti kako treba tretirati slike na ovom sajtu
(stare skenirane slike pod Creative Commons ?????????-??? ??????? 3.0
?????? <>.) Brisati ili
stavljati pos(tenu upotrebu?
Poštovani g-dine Nador,
Ni sama ne znam zašto sam krenula na engleskom (i to lošem)...
Hvala na pitanju, Dejan nije loše. Živi u Novom Sadu i i dalje se bavi pozorištem (doduše, ne toliko aktivno).
Elem, potpuno sam se zbunila i učinilo mi se kao da je uređivanje očeve biografije za mene nemoguć zadatak.
Usuđujem se da Vam prikačim kratak Dejanov životopis (za početak), jasno mi je da sam preterala s onolikim podacima, nisam htela da ih se odreknem,
Hvala puno ako ste voljni da mi pomognete, nadam se da postoji način da se nekako odužim (osim da konačno naučim da baratam računarom).
Olga Penčić-Poljanski
--- On Sat, 9/25/10, Ivan Nador <inador(a)> wrote:
From: Ivan Nador <inador(a)>
Subject: Re: [Wikimediasr-l] Help!
To: "Mailing list for all Wikimedia projects in Serbian language" <wikimediasr-l(a)>
Date: Saturday, September 25, 2010, 2:40 PM
As I can see there is no article about him on Serbian wikipedia... If you want me to start article I can do it ... later we can extend it!
Give me some data...
How is he?
On Sat, Sep 25, 2010 at 11:10 AM, Olga Pencic-Poljanski <oppoljanski(a)> wrote:
Help me, please, to edit my text DEJAN PENČIĆ-POLJANSKI.
Olga Penčić-Poljanski
Wikimediasr-l mailing list
-----Inline Attachment Follows-----
Wikimediasr-l mailing list
Help, please.
It seems that I am not able to edit my text DEJAN PENČIĆ-POLJANSKI.
He is very respectable pearson here in Serbia so I was thinking he had deserved to take place in Wikipedia.
Please, help me to do it right.
Olga Penčić-Poljanski
Mali podsetnik da je i sutra (odnosno vec danas) sastanak u Domu
omladine, na standardnom mestu u standardno vreme (15h), pa ko je u
mogucnosti da dodje, samo neka izvoli.
Hello Wikimedians,
My name is Deniz and I am working for the Wikimedia Foundation during
the 2010 Fundraiser as the liaison between the Serbian community and the
Foundation. This year's fundraiser is intended to be a collaborative and
global effort, we recognize that banner messages that perform well in
the United States don't necessarily translate well, or appeal to Serbian
audiences. And no one knows better what will appeal to Serbian readers
and editors than you!
We're currently asking volunteer chapters and a number of language
communities to help us maximize the potential of the fundraiser by
getting deeply involved in the messaging, planning, and execution of
this year’s fundraiser. We want everyone in the community to get
involved to make sure we have a fundraiser that represents all of us.
Our first steps are to suggest and translate banners, and start a
discussion in your community. What can we do to improve Fundraising and
localize messages? On the Fundraising meta page we've started the banner
suggestion process, analysis of tested banners, and recruiting volunteers.
I'm here both to answer questions as they come up and to listen to your
feedback about what types of messaging will work and won't work. We'll
constantly be tweaking or changing things, based on your input, to try
to make everything as perfect as possible for the readers and donors in
your language and region.
Use the talk pages on meta, talk to your local communities, talk to
others, talk to us, and add your feedback to the proposed messages as
well. I look forward to working with you during this year's fundraiser,
please feel free to contact me with any suggestions or questions about
the fundraiser this year.
Fundraising 2010 meta:
Banner submissions:
Fundraising Committee:
Banners we've tested so far:
My Best,
Deniz Gültekin
Community Associate
Wikimedia Foundation
Support Free Knowledge
Pozdrav svima,
I u nedelju, 5. septembra, odrzace se jos jedan sastanak u Domu
omladine, na standardnom mestu u standardno vreme (pocetak u 15 casova).
Svi koji mogu da dodju, pozvani su da prisustvuju.