This is the Chapters Report for Wikimedia Sverige, October 2010. It can also be found on Meta.
== Internet dagarna == The Internet days is a conference arranged by the organisation that runs .se, the Swedish top domain.It is the most important internet conference in Sweden. Lars Aronsson, one of our board members, gave a short talk there.
== Motion plagiarizing Wikipedia == Four members of the parliament submitted a motion that contained text from Wikipedia without mentioning the source at all. Lennart Guldbrandsson, our chairman, blogged about it in Swedish. [1]
== Board meting == We had one board meeting in October. Minutes are available in Swedish. [2]
== Numbers == The Northern Sami Wikipedia passed 3000 articles. [3] It is an official minority language in Sweden.
== Coming up == * 5 November, Nordic chapter meeting (at Free Society Conference and Nordic Summit). * 25-26 November, Wikipedia Academy
== References == * [1] * [2] * [3]