I'm pleased to announce the release of the 2009-10 Wikimedia Foundation annual report today.
The report, licensed under CC BY SA, has been posted in PDF format on Wikimedia Commons, and on the WMF wiki: http://wikimediafoundation.org/wiki/Annual_Report
The report is published in 2 PDF sizes - one for on-screen reading and a higher resolution version for printing. The Foundation prints copies of the report every year. Copies will be made available to chapters and other affiliate groups in small quantities.
This year, following in the footsteps of the Strategy plan summary report, we've also prepared a fully wiki-based version of the report, hosted on meta to facilitate localization and reuse: http://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Wikimedia_Foundation/2009-10_Wikimedia_Founda...
The meta version is also a very good place to post any comments or feedback. I'm very keen to hear anyone's suggestions for future editions.
We are releasing a bit later than preferred, but as we pull resources together for future design projects in the coming year we're poised for a 2011 'anniversary' year report to be released by November 2011.
Many thanks to folks in the community who helped us sort out some of the details for the stories throughout the report. And of course we owe great thanks to the generous photographers whose work makes the report look pretty darn good, cover to cover. Free is beautiful!