This is the Chapters report for Wikimedia Sverige, August 2011.
== Board meeting == We had one board meeting, minutes available in Swedish. [1]
== Wiki Loves Monuments == Lots of work with this. We partner with the Nordic Museum (Nordiska museet) and the Swedish National Heritage Board (Riksantikvarieämbetet). [2]
== VoteIT == An open source tool for online annual gatherings, where we will take part in some betatesting, and potentially use it in the future. We also gave them tip to use for internationalization.
== Member meeting == We had an open meeting for all members, focusing on strategy to have most possible input for the upcoming strategy workshop. we also experimented with live streaming video through which members who could not attend had the chance to join in and chat. [3]
== Wikimania == * In total, 10 members of Wikimedia Sweden attended Wikimania. * Three members received a partial travelling grant from WMSE.
== WikiLove == Got activated on our members wiki. Discussion is ongoing on the Swedish Wikipedia as well.
== Upcoming in September == * 3-4 Strategy meeting * Book fair, we are having a booth at the largest bookfair in Scandinavia for the fourth year in a row. * Wiki loves monuments
== Marketing material == * We bought pins and lanyards, and ordered pencils and stickers in preparation for the book fair.
== Links == *[1] *[2] *[3]