Dear all,
We are excited to share a report on our main learnings from the last three years of organizing the Wikimedia Conference. From 2015 to 2017 we have focused on improving the conference from year to year, each time learning from the experiences and feedback from the preceding years.
The report reflects on our learnings regarding logistics, program design, and the general purpose of the conference. The conclusion of the report leads to some central questions that we together need to create clarity around to make the most of the Wikimedia Conference in the future: Who is the target audience of the Wikimedia Conference? How can we strengthen capacity building within the Movement and build stronger links between all Wikimedia events? How can the Wikimedia Conference continue to be a useful space for conversations about the future direction of the Wikimedia Movement?
You can find the report here:
Also, we have a layouted version as a pdf
We look forward to seeing many of you at this year’s WMCON, where the future concept and scope of the conference also will be part of the program.
Warm regards,
Cornelius, Nicole and Daniela