While I think you're plainly right and her behaviour can't be tolerated, I think you probably confused Wikimedia-l with Wikimania-l


Il giorno gio 29 giu 2023 alle ore 13:57 L C <zinkloss@gmail.com> ha scritto:
In the light of the posts by Mina Theofilatou, could the list admins
take action to either ban the use of this list by Mina or moderate all
future posts in line with the UCoC and TCoC?

The facts are that in these posts:
24 June:
Mina presented as a "valid concern" for Wikimania that there have been
incidents of trans women harassing women at events. This promotes that
myth that trans women are more dangerous than anyone else.
29 June:
Mina promoted the myth that there is a "era of self-identification",
where trans women might "exits the bathroom stall with his penis in
his hand" which spreads fear of trans women and attempts to normalize
the idea that trans women are exposing penises - and it's normal to
call trans women men, so it's normal to misgender trans women if you
feel like it.
Mina attacked trans men using myths about fear of their menstruating.
Mina derided the idea of respecting trans people by presenting her
clearly transphobic views as self-evident "common decency", therefore
making everyone genuinely respectful of LGBTQIA inclusion outside of
common decency.

Hopefully after these long confessional emails from Mina, no Wikimedia
funded events will be hosting Mina or her unnamed friend who is
irrationally frightened of trans women. This would be perfectly in
line with Wikimedia event and Wikimania safe space policies. I
recommend we also remove this email list platform as a way for Mina to
permanently publish and promote transphobic myths.

As a reminder, persistently avoiding calling trans women "trans women"
or trans men "trans men" by using peculiar terms like AMAB, AFAB, MTF,
born male, "males who identify as women", is itself an expression of
transphobia. It is a sure sign that someone has spent far too long on
anti-LGBTQ forums.

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