Dear Wikibase Community,

Today we are happy to announce a new release of Wikibase Suite. This time we are doing it using our new release strategy, only releasing the products that contain changes. 

The products that we are releasing are:

This release now ships the latest MediaWiki version 1.42.3.


Find the changelogs for the newly released products here:

Updating your WBS Deploy stack

To update your complete WBS Deploy stack including all WBS images, go to your Deploy checkout and run:

docker compose down

git remote update

git checkout deploy@3.0.2

docker compose pull

docker compose up


Find more documentation for all the components here:

For Wikibase developer documentation matching your WBS Wikibase version, take a look at:

Want to know what’s new?

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We can’t wait to hear what you think of the new version!


Valerie, on behalf of the WMDE Wikibase Suite team

Valerie Wollinger (She/Her)
Community Communications Manager Wikibase
Wikimedia Deutschland e. V. | Tempelhofer Ufer 23-24 | 10963 Berlin
Phone: +49 (0)30-577 11 62-0

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