Report on activities in the Toolhub project for the week ending 2020-12-04.
See the on-wiki progress report [0] for additional details and clickable links.
== TL;DR == * Display of toolinfo records has been merged * RTL implementation exposed some css that was not mirroring properly * Audit log backend has been merged * Several new linters have been added for css, vuetify, and RTL breaking css classes * Frontend translation files are now in the banana format with qqq.json translation notes * The Django backend is now aware of the locale chosen on the Vue frontend
Having the frontend displaying toolinfo records is a big milestone! We hope to push forward in the coming week with creating a demonstration environment for the project in Cloud VPS so that members of the advisory council and others in the community can start to use the UI and provide feedback.
The OAuth for API consumers work has now officially been pushed to the upcoming Q3 plan (January-March). In future planning we will try to keep "stretch" goals in a separate list from the committed work to reduce confusion about our capacity and prioritization.