*Hey there, *
*The social media calendar has been updated for tomorrow the 6th. Please take a look and leave feedback. Thanks! *
*Wikimedia Commons POTD* *t: Wikimedia Commons #PictureoftheDay: Lighthouse, situated in the island of Vormsi, in Estonia. https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/Commons:Picture_of_the_day *f/g: Wikimedia Commons #PictureoftheDay: Lighthouse, situated in the island of Vormsi, in Estonia. It was built in 1864 and is 24 m tall. https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/Commons:Picture_of_the_day
*EN Wikisource* *t/f/g: “Christian Science” by American novelist Mark Twain has just been added to Wikisource. Read it here: https://en.wikisource.org/wiki/Christian_Science
*EN Wiktionary* *t: En Wiktionary #WordoftheDay: Nicholine. Something created in the style pertaining to someone named Nicholas. https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/Wiktionary:Word_of_the_day#Today.27s_Word_of_... *f/g: English Wiktionary #WordoftheDay: Nicholine (adjective). Created by in the style of, or pertaining to (any of several people named ) Nicholas. https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/Wiktionary:Word_of_the_day#Today.27s_Word_of_...
*OnThisDay* *t/f/g: : #OnThisDay in 1953, Russian novelist Vladamir Nabokov completes his controversial novel “Lolita.” https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lolita