I got this from Janet Chapman, who has written for our blog before: https://blog.wikimedia.org/2015/03/17/raspberry-pi-tanzania-school/
Is an open-street-maps event is appropriate to promote on social?
---------- Forwarded message ---------- From: Janet Chapman j.chapman@tanzdevtrust.org Date: Tue, Feb 23, 2016 at 4:34 AM Subject: Tanzania crowdsourced mapping project selected for Open Seventeen challenge To: Victor Grigas vgrigas@wikimedia.org
Dear Victor
I hope you are well. I thought you might be interested in this project I started. If you’re able to help promote the project, and in particular the hackathon that would be fantastic.
In February our Crowd2Map Tanzania https://crowd2map.wordpress.com/ project was one of the 7 projects selected in the *Open Seventeen challenge* http://openseventeen.org/, which rallies the public to use open data as a means of achieving the 17 Sustainable Development Goals as proposed but the UN in September 2015! We are now excited to carry on with the help of O17 partners – Citizen Cyberlab http://www.citizencyberlab.org/, The GovLab http://www.thegovlab.org/, ONE http://www.one.org/international/ and SciFabric http://scifabric.com/! We’re tackling *Goal 11: creating sustainable cities & communities *and* Goal 4: education* *through technology*.*Goal 11: creating sustainable cities & communities *and* Goal 4: education* *through technology*.
As part of the project we are organizing a triple mapping day in Dar+London+Vilnius involving Marieme Jamme from Africa Gathering, Rosy Mondardini from O17 and Egle Marija Ramanauskaite from Technology.org on *Saturday May 7th.* This will be a fun female-friendly competition-hackathon between the three "camps", as all will compare the results at the end, and bridge techies in the 3 locations via video conference and chat throughout the event across locations. This will be coupled with a "challenge" for the locals, e.g. three areas/schools/villages will compete between themselves, i.e. who adds the most resources. Current data is here http://plus.epicollect.net/TDTschoolsResourceMap/Resources Instructions to add data are here. https://dochub.com/janetchapman/55m2Yl/epicollectplus-instructions?dt=atrmqrjn337gtmn2
*Twitter @Crowd2Map https://twitter.com/Crowd2Map*
From*: Janet Chapman ( Campaigns Manager and Project Officer)*
Address: *44* *Mildenhall Road LONDON E5 0RU, UK*
Mobile/SMS/WhatsApp: *0447815 053 779*
Skype :* jachapman82*
Email: *j.chapman@tanzdevtrust.org j.chapman@tanzdevtrust.org*
LinkedIn *uk.linkedin.com/in/janetchapman http://uk.linkedin.com/in/janetchapman*
Blog: *http://hiaragirlpower.blogspot.co.uk/ http://hiaragirlpower.blogspot.co.uk/ *
The Tanzania Development Trust is UK Registered Charity No 270462
*www.tanzdevtrust.org http://www.tanzdevtrust.org/*