T: Incoming executive director @lilatretikov on meeting the Wikimedia tech community at the Zurich hackathon: https://blog.wikimedia.org/2014/05/15/hacker-osmosis-ideas-european-hackatho... #wmhack T: Среди хакеров: Изобилие идей на Европейском дне хакера (European Hackathon) в Цюрихе https://blog.wikimedia.org/2014/05/15/hacker-osmosis-ideas-european-hackatho... (@lilatretikov on #wmhack)
FB/G+: At the recent Wikimedia hackathon, the Wikimedia Foundation's incoming executive director Lila Tretikov met many technical staff and volunteers for the first time. Read her impressions: https://blog.wikimedia.org/2014/05/15/hacker-osmosis-ideas-european-hackatho...
Rubin, would you be able to draft a Russian version for a targeted Facebook post? (The text of the Russian tweet above is copied directly from the translated post's title, so it probably doesn't need to be checked.)