Here ares some social ideas for the October 2015 highlights. https://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Wikimedia_Highlights,_October_2015
Stories in the highlights:
- 1Creating change one step at a time: Miguel Zuñiga Gonzalez https://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Wikimedia_Highlights,_October_2015#Creating_change_one_step_at_a_time:_Miguel_Zu.C3.B1iga_Gonzalez - 2Your October milestones include Wikidata’s 15 millionth item https://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Wikimedia_Highlights,_October_2015#Your_October_milestones_include_Wikidata.E2.80.99s_15_millionth_item - 3Third Wikimedia Spain conference takes place in Madrid https://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Wikimedia_Highlights,_October_2015#Third_Wikimedia_Spain_conference_takes_place_in_Madrid - 4District court grants government’s motion to dismiss Wikimedia v. NSA, appeal expected https://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Wikimedia_Highlights,_October_2015#District_court_grants_government.E2.80.99s_motion_to_dismiss_Wikimedia_v._NSA.2C_appeal_expected - 5Wikipedia’s global impact recognized with Spain’s Princess of Asturias Award ceremony https://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Wikimedia_Highlights,_October_2015#Wikipedia.E2.80.99s_global_impact_recognized_with_Spain.E2.80.99s_Princess_of_Asturias_Award_ceremony - 6When a journalist edits Wikipedia in a famous Argentine opera house https://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Wikimedia_Highlights,_October_2015#When_a_journalist_edits_Wikipedia_in_a_famous_Argentine_opera_house
I have come up with a couple suggestions for social copy:
*Hungarian Wiktionary is the 18th Wiktionary to reached 300,000 entries, and much more from October 2015.*
*Wikidata hit 15 million items two days before its third birthday, and much more from October 2015.*
*Wikimedia Spain held its third Wikimedia Conference, Spanish Wikipedia had an Opera house edit-a-thon, and much more from October 2015. *
*In October 2015 we celebrated Creating change with Miguel Gonzalez, reached many milestones from Wiktionary and Wikidata, Wikipedia won an award, and much more.*
Comments and suggestions are welcome. This post will go out next Friday at the latest.