Hello Everyone,
Here are some social messaging for a story about the GLAM-WIKI conference this weekend. URLs:
glam-wiki link: https://nl.wikimedia.org/wiki/GLAM-WIKI_2015/Programme/Keynote/Paul_Keller
Below are some proposed social media messages. Please tweak as needed.
Tweet structure:
Account: @wikipedia
The GLAM-WIKI keynote will be held @KB_Nederland from Friday the 10th to Sunday April 12th. See you there. #digital
The GLAM-WIKI keynote, hosted by @paul_keller, will be held from Friday 10th - Sunday April 12th @KB_Nederland. #digital
FB | G+ structure:
Account: wikipedia
Don’t forget the GLAM-WIKI keynote this Friday the 10th to Sunday April 12th at Koninklijke Bibliotheek - Nationale bibliotheek van Nederland https://www.facebook.com/koninklijkebibliotheek. The keynote speaker will be Paul Keller.