this is about trying something that we haven't really done so far, but
which is a fairly usual practice: sending several tweets for one post.
(For example, @creativecommons does this regularly and strategically,
on different times of the day with the idea that this will help to
reach different timezones. It can become slightly evil and spammy
especially when merely repeating the same tweet, so I would propose to
for now only do it with different tweets that include new
We decided on Friday that the Ward Cunningham post might make a good
case for this, with the first tweet
(https://twitter.com/Wikipedia/status/470828724985008128 , drafted by
Carlos and reviewed on-wiki) focusing on the birthday, and the second
highlighting some interesting bits from the actual interview. For
that, I'm proposing:
Why @WardCunningham edited anonymously on the first ever wiki (his
own), and how wikis changed how we react to typos
- rrom @wikipedia, repeated by @wikimedia, and using the same still
from the video as in the blog post:
Please review this one, and also give your thoughts on using that kind
of doubling-down tweets in general.
Tilman Bayer
Senior Operations Analyst (Movement Communications)
Wikimedia Foundation
IRC (Freenode): HaeB
I'd like to post the following announcement regarding a new Project and
Event Grant to Facebook, Twitter, and Google Plus.
*FB/Google +*
Wikimedia ZA (https://www.facebook.com/WikimediaZA) receives Wikimedia
Foundation Project and Event Grant to support the first gathering of
Wikimedians from across Africa. Check out Wiki Indaba to learn more:
Photo: https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Wiki_Indaba_2014.jpeg
@Wikimedia_ZA receives @Wikimedia Project & Event Grant to support the
first gathering of Wikimedians across Africa at Wiki Indaba:
Please note this is my first time using Twitter, so any feedback is
Alex Wang
Program Officer
Project & Event Grants
Wikimedia Foundation <http://wikimediafoundation.org/wiki/Home>
+1 415-839-6885
Skype: alexvwang
T: Incoming executive director @lilatretikov on meeting the Wikimedia
tech community at the Zurich hackathon:
T: Среди хакеров: Изобилие идей на Европейском дне хакера (European
Hackathon) в Цюрихе
(@lilatretikov on #wmhack)
FB/G+: At the recent Wikimedia hackathon, the Wikimedia Foundation's
incoming executive director Lila Tretikov met many technical staff and
volunteers for the first time. Read her impressions:
Rubin, would you be able to draft a Russian version for a targeted
Facebook post? (The text of the Russian tweet above is copied directly
from the translated post's title, so it probably doesn't need to be
Tilman Bayer
Senior Operations Analyst (Movement Communications)
Wikimedia Foundation
IRC (Freenode): HaeB