Bugs item #1865284, was opened at 2008-01-06 12:13 Message generated for change (Comment added) made by nobody You can respond by visiting: https://sourceforge.net/tracker/?func=detail&atid=603138&aid=1865284...
Please note that this message will contain a full copy of the comment thread, including the initial issue submission, for this request, not just the latest update. Category: General Group: None Status: Open Resolution: None Priority: 5 Private: No Submitted By: Nobody/Anonymous (nobody) Assigned to: Nobody/Anonymous (nobody) Summary: replace.py broken?
Initial Comment: Hello,
What's up, replace.py doesn't seem to work.... (using latest python for windows)
C:\Program Files\Development\Python25\pywikipedia>replace.py -cat:"SFC_Stub" -regex "{{SFC_ROM_OUTPUT" "{{SFC_Stub}}\r\n{{SFC_ROM_OUTPUT" Checked for running processes. 1 processes currently running, including the curr ent process. Getting [[Category:SFC Stub]]... Traceback (most recent call last): File "C:\Program Files\Development\Python25\pywikipedia\replace.py", line 454, in <module> main() File "C:\Program Files\Development\Python25\pywikipedia\replace.py", line 449, in main bot.run() File "C:\Program Files\Development\Python25\pywikipedia\replace.py", line 198, in run for page in self.generator: File "C:\Program Files\Development\Python25\pywikipedia\pagegenerators.py", li ne 329, in PreloadingGenerator for page in generator: File "C:\Program Files\Development\Python25\pywikipedia\pagegenerators.py", li ne 79, in CategorizedPageGenerator for page in category.articles(recurse=recurse): File "C:\Program Files\Development\Python25\pywikipedia\catlib.py", line 211, in articles for title in self.catlist(recurse)[0]: File "C:\Program Files\Development\Python25\pywikipedia\catlib.py", line 71, i n catlist self._catlistT = self._make_catlist(recurse = recurse) File "C:\Program Files\Development\Python25\pywikipedia\catlib.py", line 135, in _make_catlist ibegin = txt.index('"clear:both;"') ValueError: substring not found
Comment By: Nobody/Anonymous (nobody) Date: 2008-01-06 23:53
Message: Logged In: NO
Thanks for your advice, I updated but I still get the following error
C:\Program Files\Development\Python25\pywikipedia>replace.py -cat:"SFC Stubs" -regex "{{SFC_ROM_OUTPUT" "{{SFC_Stub}}\r\n{{SFC_ROM_OUTPUT" Checked for running processes. 2 processes currently running, including the curr ent process. Getting [[Category:SFC Stubs]]... Getting 43 pages from niw:en... Got incorrect export page. Sleeping for 15 seconds... Got incorrect export page. Sleeping for 30 seconds... Got incorrect export page. Sleeping for 45 seconds... Got incorrect export page. Sleeping for 60 seconds... Got incorrect export page. Sleeping for 75 seconds... Got incorrect export page. Sleeping for 135 seconds...
and it's going on like this forever...
Comment By: Rotem Liss (rotemliss) Date: 2008-01-06 22:32
Message: Logged In: YES user_id=1327030 Originator: NO
From the traceback, you seem to use a pretty old version (there are no
methods like _make_catlist anymore in catlib.py). Please consider upgrading to the latest SVN version.
You can respond by visiting: https://sourceforge.net/tracker/?func=detail&atid=603138&aid=1865284...