currently, some old methods still remain in the rewrite branch, for backward-compatibility.
but i think as a *rewrite* version, such methods can be removed, or replaced with new methods and properties, to make new code cleaner.
also, for convinence, we can provide some simple wrapper classes, which map old methods to new ones. and put them in some package such as pywikibot.wrappers.*. for example, pywikibot.wrappers.Page. try to make them have the same interfaces as old version (trunk version?). and this may make porting old scripts easier (just by writing from pywikibot import wrappers as wikipedia etc.).
Liangent wrote:
but i think as a rewrite version, such methods can be removed, or replaced with new methods and properties, to make new code cleaner.
also, for convinence, we can provide some simple wrapper classes, which map old methods to new ones. and put them in some package such as pywikibot.wrappers.*. for example, pywikibot.wrappers.Page. try to make them have the same interfaces as old version (trunk version?). and this may make porting old scripts easier (just by writing from pywikibot import wrappers as wikipedia etc.).
Sorry for not responding sooner. As I said in the message I posted a few minutes ago in the thread about Twisted, this sounds like a great idea if you'd like to do the work yourself, but you shouldn't expect much assistance from other users. We just don't have enough people in the group to take on new tasks, even ones that make a lot of sense, like this one.