Hi all,
I've run into an interesting issue on Portuguese Wikipedia, with a user page that's in the aliased user namespace:
import pywikibot; site = pywikibot.getSite('pt'); page = pywikibot.Page(site, u"Usuário:Vitorvicentevalente"); page.title(); u'Usu\xe1rio(a):Vitorvicentevalente' page.get() [NOTE: callback trace removed for brevity] pywikibot.exceptions.Error: loadrevisions: Query on [[pt:Usuário(a):Vitorvicentevalente]] returned data on 'Usuário:Vitorvicentevalente'
According to the API "Usuário" is a valid namespace alias[1]. Is there an easy workaround or fix here?
Also, I've noticed this is not an issue in trunk, it's just the rewrite branch that produces this error.
Footnotes: 1: ref: http://pt.wikipedia.org/w/api.php?action=query&meta=siteinfo&siprop=...
Regards, Morten