Revision: 4605 Author: filnik Date: 2007-11-27 16:23:45 +0000 (Tue, 27 Nov 2007)
Log Message: ----------- Bugfix and adding hu language
Modified Paths: -------------- trunk/pywikipedia/
Modified: trunk/pywikipedia/ =================================================================== --- trunk/pywikipedia/ 2007-11-27 16:20:41 UTC (rev 4604) +++ trunk/pywikipedia/ 2007-11-27 16:23:45 UTC (rev 4605) @@ -82,12 +82,14 @@ 'commons':'\n{{subst:nld}}', 'en' :'\n{{subst:nld}}', 'it' :'\n{{subst:unverdata}}', + 'hu' :u'\n{{nincslicenc|~~~~~}}', }
txt_find = { 'commons':['{{no license', '{{nld'], 'en':['{{nld', '{{no license'], 'it':['{{unverdata', '{{unverified'], + 'hu':[u'{{nincsforrás',u'{{nincslicenc'], }
# Summary for when the will add the no source @@ -95,6 +97,7 @@ 'commons':'Bot: Marking newly uploaded untagged file', 'en' :'Bot: Marking newly uploaded untagged file', 'it' :"Bot: Aggiungo unverified", + 'hu' :'Robot: Frissen feltöltött licencsablon nélküli fájl megjelölése', }
# Summary that the bot use when it notify the problem with the image's license @@ -102,6 +105,7 @@ 'commons':"Bot: Requesting source information." , 'en' :"Bot: Requesting source information." , 'it' :"Bot: Notifico l'unverified", + 'hu' :'Robot: Forrásinformáció kérése', }
# When the Bot find that the usertalk is empty is not pretty to put only the no source without the welcome, isn't it? @@ -109,6 +113,7 @@ 'commons':'{{subst:welcome}}\n~~~~\n', 'en' :'{{welcome}}\n~~~~\n', 'it' :'{{benvenuto}}\n~~~~\n', + 'hu' :u'{{subst:Üdvözlet|~~~~}}\n', }
# General summary @@ -116,6 +121,7 @@ 'commons':'Bot: no source', 'en' :'Bot: no source', 'it' :'Bot: Unverified!', + 'hu' :'Robot: nincs forrás', }
# if the file has an unknown extension it will be tagged with this template. @@ -124,6 +130,7 @@ 'commons':"{{db-meta|The file has .%s as extension.}}", 'en' :"{{db-meta|The file has .%s as extension.}}", 'it' :'{{cancella subito|motivo=Il file ha come estensione ".%s"}}', + 'hu' :u'{{azonnali|A fájlnak .%s a kiterjesztése}}', }
# The header of the Unknown extension's message. @@ -131,6 +138,7 @@ 'commons':"\n== Unknown extension! ==\n", 'en' :"\n== Unknown extension! ==\n", 'it' :'\n== File non specificato ==\n', + 'hu' :u'\n== Ismeretlen kiterjesztésű fájl ==\n', }
# Text that will be add if the bot find a unknown extension. @@ -138,12 +146,14 @@ 'commons':'The [[:Image:%s]] file has a wrong extension, please check. ~~~~', 'en' :'The [[:Image:%s]] file has a wrong extension, please check. ~~~~', 'it' :'{{subst:Utente:Filbot/Ext|%s}}', + 'hu' :u'A [[:Kép:%s]] fájlnak rossz a kiterjesztése, kérlek ellenőrízd. ~~~~', } # Summary of the delate immediately. (f.e: Adding {{db-meta|The file has .%s as extension.}}) del_comm = { 'commons':'Bot: Adding %s', 'en' :'Bot: Adding %s', 'it' :'Bot: Aggiungo %s', + 'hu' :u'Robot:"%s" hozzáadása', }
# This is the most important header, because it will be used a lot. That's the header that the bot @@ -152,12 +162,14 @@ 'commons':"",# Nothing, the template has already the header inside. 'en' :"\n== Image without license ==\n", 'it' :"\n== Immagine senza licenza ==\n", + 'hu' :u"\n== Licenc nélküli kép ==\n", } # That's the text that the bot will add if it doesn't find the license. nothing_notification = { 'commons':"{{subst:User:Filnik/untagged|Image:%s}}Image:%s}}\n\n''This message was '''added automatically by [[User:Filbot|Filbot]]''', if you need some help about it, ask [[User:Filnik|its master]] or go to the [[Commons:Help desk]]''. --~~~~", 'en' :"{{subst:image source|Image:%s}} --~~~~", 'it' :"{{subst:Utente:Filbot/Senza licenza|%s}} --~~~~", + 'hu' :u"{{subst:adjforrást|Kép:%s}} \n Ezt az üzenetet ~~~ automatikusan helyezte el a vitalapodon, kérdéseddel fordulj a gazdájához, vagy a [[WP:KF|Kocsmafalhoz]]. --~~~~", } # This is a list of what bots used this script in your project. # NOTE: YOUR Botnick is automatically added. It's not required to add it twice. @@ -172,12 +184,14 @@ 'commons':None, 'en': None, 'it':'{{subst:Utente:Filbot/Senza licenza2|%s}} --~~~~', + 'hu':u'\nSzia! Úgy tűnik a [[:Kép:%s]] képpel is hasonló a probléma, mint az előbbivel. Kérlek olvasd el a [[WP:KÉPLIC|feltölthető képek]]ről szóló oldalunk, és segítségért fordulj a [[WP:KF-JO|Jogi kocsmafalhoz]]. Köszönöm --~~~~', } # You can add some settings to wikipedia. In this way, you can change them without touch the code. # That's useful if you are running the bot on Toolserver. page_with_settings = { 'commons':None, 'en':None, + 'hu':None, 'it':'Utente:Nikbot/Settings#Settings', } # The bot can report some images (like the images that have the same name of an image on commons) @@ -186,6 +200,7 @@ 'commons':'User:Filbot/Report', 'en' :'User:Filnik/Report', 'it' :'Utente:Nikbot/Report', + 'hu' :'User:Bdamokos/Report', } # Adding the date after the signature. timeselected = u' ~~~~~' @@ -194,12 +209,14 @@ 'commons':"\n*[[:Image:%s]] " + timeselected, 'en':"\n*[[:Image:%s]] " + timeselected, 'it':"\n*[[:Immagine:%s]] " + timeselected, + 'hu':u"\n*[[:Kép:%s]] " + timeselected, } # The summary of the report comm10 = { 'commons':'Bot: Updating the log', 'en':'Bot: Updating the log', 'it':'Bot: Aggiorno il log', + 'hu': 'Robot: A napló frissítése', }
# If a template isn't a license but it's included on a lot of images, that can be skipped to @@ -208,10 +225,11 @@ 'commons':['{{information'], 'en':['{{information'], 'it':['{{edp', '{{informazioni file', '{{information'], + 'hu':[u'{{információ','{{enwiki', '{{azonnali'], }
# Add your project (in alphabetical order) if you want that the bot start -project_inserted = ['commons', 'en', 'it'] +project_inserted = ['commons', 'en','hu', 'it']
# Ok, that's all. What is below, is the rest of code, now the code is fixed and it will run correctly in your project. ######################################################################################################################### @@ -464,37 +482,40 @@ def takesettings(self, settings): pos = 0 - x = wikipedia.Page(, settings) - lista = list() - try: - testo = x.get() - rxp = "<------- ------->\n*[Nn]ame=['"](.*?)['"]\n*([Ff]ind|[Ff]indonly)=(.*?)\n*[Ii]magechanges=(.*?)\n*[Ss]ummary=['"](.*?)['"]\n*[Hh]ead=['"](.*?)['"]\n*[Tt]ext ?= ?['"](.*?)['"]\n*[Mm]ex ?= ?['"]?(.*?)['"]?$" - r = re.compile(rxp, re.UNICODE|re.M) - number = 1 - while 1: - m =, pos) - if m == None: - if lista == list(): - wikipedia.output(u"You've set wrongly your settings, please take a look to the relative page. (run without them)") - lista = None - else: - break - else: - pos = m.end() - name = str( - find_tipe = str( - find = str( - imagechanges = str( - summary = str( - head = str( - text = str( - mexcatched = str( - tupla = [number, name, find_tipe, find, imagechanges, summary, head, text, mexcatched] - lista += [tupla] - number += 1 - except wikipedia.NoPage: - lista = None - return lista + if settings != None: + x = wikipedia.Page(, settings) + lista = list() + try: + testo = x.get() + rxp = "<------- ------->\n*[Nn]ame=['"](.*?)['"]\n*([Ff]ind|[Ff]indonly)=(.*?)\n*[Ii]magechanges=(.*?)\n*[Ss]ummary=['"](.*?)['"]\n*[Hh]ead=['"](.*?)['"]\n*[Tt]ext ?= ?['"](.*?)['"]\n*[Mm]ex ?= ?['"]?(.*?)['"]?$" + r = re.compile(rxp, re.UNICODE|re.M) + number = 1 + while 1: + m =, pos) + if m == None: + if lista == list(): + wikipedia.output(u"You've set wrongly your settings, please take a look to the relative page. (run without them)") + lista = None + else: + break + else: + pos = m.end() + name = str( + find_tipe = str( + find = str( + imagechanges = str( + summary = str( + head = str( + text = str( + mexcatched = str( + tupla = [number, name, find_tipe, find, imagechanges, summary, head, text, mexcatched] + lista += [tupla] + number += 1 + except wikipedia.NoPage: + lista = None + return lista + else: + return [] def load(self, raw): list_loaded = list()