Good morning everyone,
I would like to add the translations to catalan & solve errors in pywikipedia. I tried updating via SVN, but I guess I need permission for that ;)
There is an ERROR in Catalan featured articles are located in: << 'ca': (CAT, u"Llista d'articles de qualitat"), <<
There are several TRANSLATIONS which need to be implemented:
In << 'ca': u'Bot: [[%s:%s]] és un article de qualitat', 'en': u'Bot: [[%s:%s]] is a featured article', <<
In << 'ca':u'Bot:Afegint [[Categoria:%s]]', 'en':u'Robot: Adding [[Category:%s]]',
'ca':u'Bot:Canviant %s', 'en':u'Robot: Changing %s',
'ca':u'Bot:La categoria ha estat moguda a [[:Categoria:%s|%s]]', 'en':u'Robot: Category was moved to [[:Category:%s|%s]]',
'ca':u'Bot: Fent un llistat de %s (%d entrades)', 'en':u'Robot: Listifying from %s (%d entries)',
'ca':u'Bot:La categoria ha estat eliminada', 'en':u'Robot: Category was disbanded',
'ca':u'Bot:Eliminant de %s', 'en':u'Robot: Removing from %s',
'ca': u'(també a %s)', 'en': u'(also in %s)', <<
In << 'ca':u'Bot: Reemplaçament automàtic de text %s', 'en':u'Robot: Automated text replacement %s', <<
Please let me know if I can help in anything else. Thank you,