This is as more about the learning process than the actual task... but I can't see what's wrong with my regex, and I'd appreciate any pointers.
I want to find cases where a header is not followed by a line break, e.g.
"== External links ==;
I tried various regex strings, including "([\r\n]==[^\n=]*==)([^=\r ])" (allowing for the fact that excess spaces on the end aren't important) to be replaced by "\1\n\2"
But I get many false matches. See for details of the good and the false matches.
In #regex on freenode I was told to try: "s/((={2,}).*?\2)(?!\n)([^=]?)/\1\n\2/g" but it gives the error: "bash: !\n: event not found".
I'm told that it works - - but in my terminal I can't get past the bash error.