Daniel Herding DHerding@gmx.de wrote 05.05.2008
As you can see in [2], you are already on the developers list. I'm not sure if this is for MediaWiki, for PyWikiBot, or both.
I was assuming it to be for MediaWiki only, where I contributed the initial /wap stuff, and am doing minor edits on localization.
Now, I simply tried a checkout of the /pywikipedia repository with commit access, and was able to commit the (totally unimportant) R5306. Whatever has been at work, pure magic or human help, due thanks to whom thanks deserve! I can make contributions, and I will.
I am having to prepare for a public talk on "maintainig mediawiki sites" [3] now, and in the second half of the week I am going to revise the token patch, since there have been conflicting edits, possibly give it a day or two of renewed testing, and commit it.
[3] htt://hitforum.de/
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