Yes BS is a a very useful tool indeed. It is used in several places, also some of my scripts - it is often a fast, simple and easy solution.
We had some discussions in the IRC channel about BS. There are so many problems about using BS in different systems. So many people don't want to run patch.exe and so many people are using servers for running bots and don't have permission to do that.
I understand that we had alread several discussion about it indeed. A hard thing for me is to help or solve the situation because I never got any feadback WHY running patch.exe is such a big issue? I just always heard "I don't like it." - ok, but WHY? It is not dangerous at all AND it is a standard tool, in fact it is the base on which git works...
My suggestion is using the old system (an internal folder as an external like i18n but I don't think we need to make another external) but if you think we can do something else I'll be glad to discuss
What do you exactly mean with "old system"? Do you want to create a repo 'externals' and just drop BS there in order to use as submodule? Or what was the concept?
Please keep in mind compatibility is one of the most important issues of PWB
Indeed! The current solution (using patch) is compatible with linux/mac (since patch is in the OS distro there) and with win through patch.exe. In fact win in the main problem here... ;)) Any other important OS that I missed? (and does not have patch like all/most? unix)
And may be I should also mention that not only BS is an issue in this context, there are some other modules also - I sent the link with the list in a previous mail.
I would be VERY happy to finally find a solution here!
Greetings and all the best! DrTrigon