Hello ,
I ran the script clean_sandbox with options -page:test.wikipedia.org and -text:redirect
I could not understand what it potentially does.If anyone of you could please explain.
Regards, Juhi Tandon.
On Mon, Oct 13, 2014 at 6:57 PM, JUHI TANDON juhitandon0@gmail.com wrote:
Hello ,
I am Juhi Tandon, in third year of undergraduate study, pursuing Btech. in Computer Science and MS by Research in Computational Linguistics at International Institute of Information Technology (IIIT) Hyderabad. I want to apply for OPW Winter round 2014.
I want to contribute to pywikibot. As such I tried to do the setup of compat and core repositories. The script pwb.py wouldnot compile. After having spent considerable time on IRC and help from a developers, I managed to solve the proxy issue and create an account.
Please guide me on how to start contributing , especially to compat to core migration .
Thanks and Regards, Juhi Tandon.