Hi all,
I'd like to suggest to grant developer rights to Purodha B Blissenbach ([[de:Benutzer:Purodha]]). He has contributed some useful patches, but sometimes they just starve because nobody seems to have time to review them. I have met Purodha in person, and I think he's very careful in testing his changes before uploading.
One example is his extensive bug report [ 1903113 ] interwiki.py looses access to Wikipedias, see: https://sourceforge.net/tracker/index.php?func=detail&aid=1903113&gr...
He has submitted two patches, 1907586 and 1918278. I think the approach is worth a try, but the patches seem to be already outdated.
So, Purodha, would you like to have developer access to the SVN repository? And what do others think about my suggestion?