Hello Mike!
2009/4/20 Mike Cariaso cariaso@gmail.com:
The attached patch enables the bot to look at Special:RecentChanges in much the same way that it looks at Special:NewPages.
Interesting =)
If others would find it useful, I will be happy to polish it up to something suitable for wider use.
If you felt the need to write it, I'm pretty sure that someday someone else is going to be happy to find such feature!
Can you please directly open a patch ticket on our bug tracker? ( https://sourceforge.net/tracker/?group_id=93107&atid=603140 ) We usually don't use the mailing list to submit patches, since the bug trackers already ping the devs on pywikipedia-bugs@lists.wikimedia.org for each tracker change ;)
A few notes on the patch itself: * Please do not include extra linebreaks. * Please do not include debugging statements, even when commented. I see a "#print html" here =p * The docstring does not match the function behavior, but I guess that is because it's not polished yet? ;)
So, yes, please polish up this patch, and create a patch ticket on our tracker.
Thanks for sharing your changes!