Revision 6249 introduced a critical bug for interwiki bots: the asLink() format changed from [[lang:page]] to [[:lang:page]]:
On Mon, January 12, 2009 2:44 pm, wrote:
return u'[[%s:%s:%s]]' % (,
return u'[[:%s:%s:%s]]' % (,
return u'[[%s:%s]]' % (,
return u'[[:%s:%s]]' % (,
This makes sense for an asLink function, but it broke the current interwiki functionality: interwiki links -the sidebar type- were replaced by links -the inline type-.
This bug has been fixed in r6250: the interwiki functions now strip the :.
If you run an interwiki bot, update from r6249 to r6250 /immediatly/, please. The wrongly created links will /not/ be removed by the bot!
Best regards, Merlijn 'valhallasw' van Deen