I'm trying to set up both MediaWiki and PyWikipediaBot and am running into some teething problems.
My MW instance is installed (and appears to be functioning). I created an account named ProtegeBot and put it in the Bot group. I also created the following files:
$ cat user-config.py mylang = 'en' usernames['PrF']['en'] = u'ProtegeBot' family = 'PrF'
$ cat families/PrF_family.py # -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import family
# Rich Morin's test wiki for SMI-related hacks.
class Family(family.Family): def __init__(self): family.Family.__init__(self)
self.name = 'PrF'
self.langs = { 'en': 'www.cfcl.com' }
self.namespaces[4] = { '_default': [u'ProtegeWiki', self.namespaces[4]['_default']], }
self.namespaces[5] = { '_default': [u'ProtegeWiki talk', self.namespaces[5]['_default']], }
self.content_id = "mainContent"
def RversionTab(self, code): return r'<li\s*><a href=".*?title=.*?&action=history".*?>.*?</a></li>'
def version(self, code): return "1.13.1"
def scriptpath(self, code): return '/smi_xmw/mediawiki-1.13.1/index.php'
def apipath(self, code): raise NotImplementedError( "The PrF family does not support api.php")
I am able to log into the Wiki as ProtegeBot, using the password I set. However, when I try to run PyWikipediaBot, I get this error:
$ python upload.py -v $D/All_ProtegeLogo.gif Checked for running processes. 1 processes currently running, including the current process. Pywikipediabot [http] trunk/pywikipedia (r5914, Sep 22 2008, 16:15:37) Python 2.5.1 (r251:54863, Apr 15 2008, 22:57:26) [GCC 4.0.1 (Apple Inc. build 5465)] Getting information for site PrF:en Password for user ProtegeBot on PrF:en: Logging in to PrF:en as ProtegeBot Login failed. Wrong password or CAPTCHA answer? Password for user ProtegeBot on PrF:en:
P.S. I'm not sure about the difference between the "family" name and the "sitename", so I used PrF for both. LocalSettings.php sez:
$wgSitename = "PrF";