Pywikipedia-l May 2010
  • 23 participants
  • 25 discussions
skip to next occurrence in a page?
by Chris Watkins 20 Nov '10

20 Nov '10
match and list, but not replace
by Chris Watkins 07 Nov '10

07 Nov '10
5 11
0 0

30 Sep '10
Bots editing while logged out
by Mike.lifeguard 31 May '10

31 May '10
A family problem :)
by Thibaut Le Page 28 May '10

28 May '10

28 May '10
Pywikibot bugzilla
by Matias 28 May '10

28 May '10
11 18
0 0
bug with cats
by Manuel Taveras 27 May '10

27 May '10
Results per page: