Bugs item #3406291, was opened at 2011-09-08 16:48 Message generated for change (Comment added) made by xqt You can respond by visiting: https://sourceforge.net/tracker/?func=detail&atid=603138&aid=3406291...
Please note that this message will contain a full copy of the comment thread, including the initial issue submission, for this request, not just the latest update. Category: None Group: None
Status: Closed Resolution: Invalid
Priority: 5 Private: No Submitted By: MGA73 (mga73)
Assigned to: xqt (xqt)
Summary: tag_nowcommons.py does not work
Initial Comment: I have been using tag_nowcommons.py to tag files with a {{nowcommons}} but it does not work anymore. "python tag_nowcommons.py -lang:en" gives this error:
Traceback (most recent call last): File "tag_nowcommons.py", line 67, in <module> main(sys.argv[1:]) File "tag_nowcommons.py", line 36, in main raise add_text.NoEnoughData('You have to specify the generator you want to use for the script!') NameError: global name 'add_text' is not defined
__version__ = '$Id: tag_nowcommons.py 9482 2011-08-29 16:32:37Z xqt $'
Comment By: xqt (xqt)
Date: 2011-09-08 22:08
Message: You haven't specified the generator like -file, -page, -ref, -cat etc. you want to use for the script. Use -help for help and see these options
You can respond by visiting: https://sourceforge.net/tracker/?func=detail&atid=603138&aid=3406291...