Bugs item #2284104, was opened at 2008-11-14 06:03 Message generated for change (Comment added) made by xqt You can respond by visiting: https://sourceforge.net/tracker/?func=detail&atid=603138&aid=2284104...
Please note that this message will contain a full copy of the comment thread, including the initial issue submission, for this request, not just the latest update. Category: interwiki Group: None Status: Open Resolution: None Priority: 2 Private: No Submitted By: JAn (jandudik) Assigned to: Nobody/Anonymous (nobody) Summary: {{Delete}} and #REDIRECT
Initial Comment: There is some bug: redirect which contains {{delete}} template is counted as new possibility and causes bot to skip interwiki or to report page without interwiki.
I think, the best would be: ==[[Article]] is marked for deleting: skipping==
Comment By: xqt (xqt)
Date: 2011-12-30 03:37
Message: I guess this is still valid. It depends on the way {{delete}} templates are placed on the redirect. If it is in fron of the #redirect tag that page is no longer recognized as a redirect page and pywikibot.Page.isredirect() returns False.
Comment By: Doug (bewareofdoug) Date: 2011-12-30 03:10
Message: Is this still valid and if so can someone provide a greater explanation of the issue.
You can respond by visiting: https://sourceforge.net/tracker/?func=detail&atid=603138&aid=2284104...