** [feature-requests:#349] claimit.py: enable claim with the same property, but different value**
**Status:** open **Labels:** claimit.py wikidata enhancement python pywikibot **Created:** Sun Sep 15, 2013 04:15 PM UTC by APAC **Last Updated:** Sun Sep 15, 2013 04:15 PM UTC **Owner:** nobody
The below can be added to claimit.py to enable adding statements on items with the same property, but different values.
for claim in self.claims: if claim.getID() in item.get().get('claims'): propertytoadd = claim.getID() for valueofproperty in item.claims[propertytoadd]: if valueofproperty.getTarget() == claim.getTarget(): pywikibot.output("item for %s has already property %s with value %s" % (page.title(), propertytoadd, valueofproperty.getTarget())) break else: continue else: pywikibot.output('Adding additional %s --> %s' % (claim.getID(), claim.getTarget())) item.addClaim(claim)
else: pywikibot.output('Adding %s --> %s' % (claim.getID(), claim.getTarget())) item.addClaim(claim)
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