Bugs item #3607377, was opened at 2013-03-08 14:58 Message generated for change (Tracker Item Submitted) made by herculefr You can respond by visiting: https://sourceforge.net/tracker/?func=detail&atid=603138&aid=3607377...
Please note that this message will contain a full copy of the comment thread, including the initial issue submission, for this request, not just the latest update. Category: None Group: None Status: Open Resolution: None Priority: 5 Private: No Submitted By: Hercule (herculefr) Assigned to: Nobody/Anonymous (nobody) Summary: template.py don't get pages that transclude a template
Initial Comment: I'm trying to use template.py to make a simple replacement. The command line is python template.py "test 1" "test2" I run on frwiki where Template:Test 1 is transcluded : http://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sp%C3%A9cial:Pages_li%C3%A9es/Mod%C3%A8le:Test_...
The script output is : python template.py "test 1" test2 Getting references to [[Modèle:Test 1]] via API... Getting references to [[Modèle:Test 1]] via API... Getting references to [[Modèle:Test 1]] via API... Getting references to [[Modèle:Test 1]] via API... Getting references to [[Modèle:Test 1]] via API... Getting references to [[Modèle:Test 1]] via API... Getting references to [[Modèle:Test 1]] via API... Getting references to [[Modèle:Test 1]] via API... Getting references to [[Modèle:Test 1]] via API... Getting references to [[Modèle:Test 1]] via API... Getting references to [[Modèle:Test 1]] via API... Getting references to [[Modèle:Test 1]] via API... Getting references to [[Modèle:Test 1]] via API... Getting references to [[Modèle:Test 1]] via API... 0 pages were changed.
If I use this script with -cat parameter it works fine.
I run from the toolserver. python version.py Pywikipedia [http] trunk/pywikipedia (r11196, 2013/03/08, 21:05:00, ok) Python 2.7.1 (r271:86832, Jan 4 2011, 13:57:14) [GCC 4.5.2] config-settings: use_api = True use_api_login = True unicode test: ok
You can respond by visiting: https://sourceforge.net/tracker/?func=detail&atid=603138&aid=3607377...