Unicodesnowman created this task. Unicodesnowman added a subscriber: Unicodesnowman. Unicodesnowman added a project: pywikibot-core. Unicodesnowman changed Security from none to none.
TASK DESCRIPTION Category:Female_Wikipedians has a subcategory, Category:Lesbian_Wikipedians. Category.members() lists it, however Category.members(namespaces=14) doesn't, nor does Category.subcategories().
``` $ python pwb.py shell
import pywikibot site = pywikibot.Site('en', 'wikipedia') cat = pywikibot.Category('Category:Female_Wikipedians') cat.categoryinfo
{u'files': 0, u'subcats': 1, u'pages': 2595, u'size': 2596}
[] ```
jayvcb isn't missing Category:Lesbian_Wikipedians, however he's missing Category:Gay_Wikipedians from Category:Male_Wikipedians.
I've been unable to find other pages that demonstrate this bug.
TASK DETAIL https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/T84860
REPLY HANDLER ACTIONS Reply to comment or attach files, or !close, !claim, !unsubscribe or !assign <username>.
EMAIL PREFERENCES https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/settings/panel/emailpreferences/
To: Unicodesnowman Cc: Aklapper, Unicodesnowman, jayvdb, pywikipedia-bugs